Suspendisse at risus a quam molestie hendrerit. Duis eros ex, finibus ac pretium ut, hendrerit sed mauris. Nam auctor arcu lobortis turpis euismod suscipit. Maecenas tortor arcu, volutpat in condimentum ac, luctus a arcu. Integer dapibus porta purus sed tempor. Praesent at risus id nibh ullamcorper commodo. Ut scelerisque, odio ac phare
Sustainable Ocean Science is needed as we are globally grappling with the triple planetary crisis; biodiversity, climate change and pollution, of which biodiversity is central to our human wellbeing.
On a global and planetary scale, we are beyond safe operating spaces for biosphere integrity – that is biodiversity and all its dimensions. On a regional level – EU recognises that 79 % of its coastal seabed is destroyed due to our ways of fishing, key groups of animals are in critical decline and 46 % or the coastal waters suffers from eutrophication. Bringing us to our own wicked problem in the Baltic Sea – here in Turku in the Archipelago Sea, we unfortunately still struggle with the last Eutrophication Hot Spot in Finland.
Our mission is to provide transdisciplinary knowledge on marine wicked problems linked to marine biodiversity and its role in the societal transition to sustainability. We study how human actions interact with marine biodiversity in creating wicked problems, and what can be done to solve such challenges.
We study these questions in our natural marine laboratory in the Archipelago Sea and Åsland Island area, as it hosts a plethora of human-nature interactions where biodiversity is at the heart of the challenges and conflicts, a biosphere reserve and many different types of protected areas.
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